Keep reading to find our tips and tricks for getting your parrotlet to repeat a few simple words and phrases back at you.

Before your parrotlet even thinks about talking to you or mimicking you, you’ll need to work on establishing a strong relationship with it.

Kick out other family members walking around or hanging out in that room and turn off your cell phone and television.

Image Credit: JTKP, Shutterstock Parrotlets can learn to talk, but you shouldn’t expect yours to have a vast vocabulary.

Now that you know what to do before trying to teach your pint-sized parrot a few words and phrases, let’s look at some helpful tips and tricks for getting your parrotlet speaking.

Image Credit: dodotone, ShutterstockBecause parrotlets aren’t very talkative, set yourself up for success by committing to consistent training sessions.

Image Credit: AndyGoodwin, FlickrYou already know that parrotlets aren’t one of the most talkative parrot species, so you must be patient with your bird during your training sessions.

Image Credit: Gabrielle Trouton, ShutterstockOne of the best ways to expose your bird to speech is simply by talking or singing to it whenever you’re together.

Your parrotlet will learn words by imitating what it hears, so the more you speak to it, the better your chances are of teaching it to talk.

Use simple phrases when you’re providing daily care for your pet so it can start associating words with the things in its environment.

Image Credit: Ear Iew Boom, ShutterstockYou probably have several words in your head that you’d like your parrotlet to learn first.

Use a lot of emphasis when you say these words to try and grab its attention and make the word sound exciting and fun.

Image Credit: Early Spring, ShutterstockYou can buy CDs online or in pet stores to play for your bird while you’re away.

These training CDs contain audio of common phrases and words for birds to learn and are a great hands-off way to get your bird interested in learning to talk.

The video below repeats common phrases for eight hours straight and has built-in one-hour breaks to give your bird a rest:

Nothing is as rewarding as hearing your pet bird repeat its favorite words and phrases back at you.

Remember, though, that you must set realistic expectations for your parrotlet and always practice patience as you delve into any training regimen.

Use a lot of praise and tasty treats to ensure your parrotlet associates its training with positive things to keep every session rewarding and effective.

Nicole is the proud mom of 3 rescue fur babies, Baby, a Burmese cat; Rosa, a New Zealand Huntaway; and Mac, a Lab/Mastiff.

A Canadian expat, Nicole now lives on a lush forest property with her Kiwi husband and new baby daughter in New Zealand.