Home News Elephant Miyako 50-Years of solitude in Japan

Elephant Miyako 50-Years of solitude in Japan

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Miyako in her small enclosure at Utsunomiya Zoo, Japan, credit score: Elephants in Japan

Miyako, a feminine elephant, has been residing in solitude on the Utsunomiya Zoo in Japan for 50 years. Captured from Thailand as a younger calf, she has by no means skilled companionship with different elephants.

Her residing situations are regarding, as she resides in a small concrete enclosure with minimal stimuli, which activists imagine contributes to her stress and discomfort.

Latest observations point out Miyako is in bodily misery, significantly with overgrown nails and cuticles inflicting her ache. The ditch surrounding her enclosure poses a major danger, particularly when she makes an attempt to retrieve meals from zoo guests, exacerbating the hazard of an accident.

Elephants in Japan, an advocacy group, is urging the zoo to enhance Miyako’s situation. They recommend relocating her to a facility with more room and the chance to socialize with different elephants, which may improve her well-being.

Individuals for the Moral Remedy of Animals (PETA) Asia stated it had contacted the proprietor of Utsunomiya Zoo, providing to assist switch Miyako to a sanctuary or facility the place she would have area to roam and different elephants to socialize with for the primary time in 50 years. However the proprietor refused, PETA stated.

Elephants in captivity

Elephants, recognized for his or her intelligence and social nature, require companionship to make sure their emotional and psychological well-being.

Within the wild, they kind complicated social networks, primarily led by moms, fostering deep familial and communal bonds essential for survival. These relationships provide them essential psychological stimulation and emotional assist, that are important to their total well being.

With out such interactions, significantly in captivity, elephants can exhibit indicators of misery and behavioral points, underscoring the significance of companionship in sustaining their bodily and psychological well being.

The Animal Reader talked to Ulara Nakagawa, the founding father of Elephants in Japan, about elephant Miyako

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