Home BlogsSmall PetsHedgehogs Selecting the Right Hedgehog: Tips for Choosing Your Prickly Companion

Selecting the Right Hedgehog: Tips for Choosing Your Prickly Companion

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Hedgehogs, with their endearing appearance and charming personalities, have gained popularity as unique and delightful pets. If you’re considering bringing one of these prickly companions into your life, it’s essential to make an informed decision to ensure a harmonious and fulfilling relationship. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll provide you with valuable tips on how to select the right hedgehog, considering various factors, and make the best choice for both you and your future pet.

1. Consider Adoption

Before seeking a hedgehog from a breeder or pet store, consider adopting one from a rescue organization or animal shelter. Many hedgehogs in need of loving homes are available for adoption. Adoption not only offers these animals a chance for a better life but also provides you with a unique and rewarding experience.

Adopting a hedgehog is a compassionate choice, and it allows you to provide a home for an animal that may have faced challenges in its previous living conditions. These rescue hedgehogs can bond just as deeply with their new owners, and their gratitude for a second chance at a happy life is heartwarming.

2. Research Breeds and Species

Hedgehogs come in various breeds and species, each with its own unique characteristics and care requirements. It’s crucial to research and understand these differences to determine which hedgehog variety best suits your lifestyle and preferences.

Common hedgehog species kept as pets include the African pygmy hedgehog and the European hedgehog. African pygmy hedgehogs are the most popular choice due to their smaller size and friendly disposition. However, European hedgehogs can also be kept as pets with proper care.

While both species share some common care guidelines, differences in size, temperament, and dietary preferences should influence your choice. Consider the space you have available for your hedgehog’s enclosure and whether you want a more interactive or independent pet when making your selection.

3. Assess Age and Health

When selecting a hedgehog, it’s advisable to choose a young, healthy individual. Signs of a healthy hedgehog include:

  • Bright, Clear Eyes: Healthy hedgehogs have alert and bright eyes. Any signs of discharge or cloudiness in the eyes may indicate an underlying health issue.
  • Shiny and Clean Coat: A hedgehog’s coat should be clean and well-groomed. Dullness, bald patches, or signs of parasites may be cause for concern.
  • Active and Alert Demeanor: A lively and alert hedgehog is a sign of good health. Observe the hedgehog’s behavior to ensure it is responsive and engaging with its environment.

When acquiring a hedgehog from a breeder or rescue organization, inquire about the hedgehog’s age and any available health records. A reputable source should be able to provide documentation of vaccinations, deworming, and any other medical care the hedgehog has received.

4. Observe Temperament

Hedgehogs, like people, have individual personalities. Spending time observing a hedgehog’s behavior before making your choice is essential. Look for traits such as:

  • Friendliness and Curiosity: Some hedgehogs are more outgoing and eager to interact with humans. They may approach you readily and display curiosity about their surroundings.
  • Shyness: Others may be a bit reserved initially but can warm up with time and patience. Shy hedgehogs may require a gentle and patient approach to build trust.
  • Compatibility: Pay attention to how the hedgehog interacts with you. Ideally, they should be receptive to handling and socialization. Handling the hedgehog is a critical step in assessing its temperament and comfort with human interaction.

Choosing a hedgehog with a temperament that matches your preferences and willingness to invest time in socialization can greatly impact your bonding experience.

5. Handling and Socialization

Gently handle the hedgehog you are interested in to gauge their tolerance for human interaction. While some hedgehogs may be initially cautious, most can become accustomed to handling with patience and care. Choose a hedgehog that is comfortable being handled and shows potential for bonding with you.

Regular handling is crucial to building a strong bond with your hedgehog. It helps them become familiar with your scent and presence, ultimately leading to a more comfortable and trusting relationship. Keep in mind that hedgehogs have an innate defense mechanism of curling into a tight ball when they feel threatened. Over time, with consistent and gentle handling, most hedgehogs will become more relaxed and less prone to balling up.

6. Ask Questions

Don’t hesitate to ask questions about the hedgehog’s care history, diet, and any previous health concerns when obtaining your pet. Knowledgeable sellers or rescue organizations should be able to provide you with valuable information that can help you provide the best care for your hedgehog.

Find out about the hedgehog’s current diet and any preferences they may have. Sudden changes in diet can be stressful for hedgehogs, so it’s essential to maintain continuity in their nutrition when you bring them home.

7. Prepare the Perfect Habitat

Before bringing your new hedgehog home, ensure you have an appropriate habitat ready. A well-prepared cage or enclosure is essential for your hedgehog’s comfort and well-being. Consider the following aspects when setting up their living space:

  • Cage Size: Hedgehogs need ample space to move around and explore. A cage with a footprint of at least 2 feet by 3 feet is recommended to provide enough room for physical activity.
  • Ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation in the cage to maintain good air quality. Wire cages or enclosures with mesh sides are excellent choices as they provide both visibility and ventilation.
  • Bedding: Line the bottom of the cage with appropriate bedding material, such as aspen shavings or fleece liners. Avoid cedar or pine shavings, as they can release harmful chemicals.
  • Hideouts: Provide cozy hiding spots for your hedgehog to retreat to when they want privacy or rest. Hedgehogs enjoy having safe and sheltered places to feel secure.
  • Wheel and Exercise Equipment: Hedgehogs are active animals that require exercise. Include a solid-surface exercise wheel (with no rungs) to provide them with an opportunity for physical activity. Additionally, consider adding tunnels, platforms, and toys to keep them mentally stimulated.
  • Temperature Control: Hedgehogs are sensitive to temperature changes and prefer a warm environment. Maintain a consistent temperature in their enclosure, ideally between 73°F and 80°F (23°C – 27°C).

8. Plan for Veterinary Care

Establish a relationship with a veterinarian who has experience with hedgehogs. Regular veterinary check-ups and prompt attention to any health concerns are vital for your hedgehog’s long-term well-being. Hedgehogs can be prone to various health issues, including obesity, dental problems, and skin conditions. Proactive healthcare can prevent and address these issues.

9. The Importance of Patience

Building a bond with your hedgehog may take time. Be patient and allow them to acclimate to their new home gradually. Gentle and consistent interaction will help strengthen your relationship over time. Hedgehogs have individual preferences and comfort zones, so respect their boundaries while encouraging trust.

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In conclusion, selecting the right hedgehog involves careful consideration of factors like age, health, temperament, and compatibility. By taking these considerations into account and providing your hedgehog with love, patience, and proper care, you’ll be on your way to building a fulfilling and enjoyable relationship with your prickly companion. With the right approach, your hedgehog will become a wonderful addition to your family, bringing joy and companionship to your life for years to come.

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Dr. Chandrika

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I am a veterinary doctor who is passionate about providing top-quality care for pets and their families. My mission is to share my knowledge and expertise with pet owners through my blog, petearnest.com.


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