Home Blogs 7 Surprising Facts About Orange Mushroom Coral: A Stunning Addition to Your Aquarium

7 Surprising Facts About Orange Mushroom Coral: A Stunning Addition to Your Aquarium

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Mushroom corals, also known as corallimorphs, are a fascinating and diverse group of soft corals that are widely popular among aquarium enthusiasts. Belonging to the family Fungiidae and order Corallimorpharia, these unique corals come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, ranging from small button-like forms to large, flat discs.

One of the most striking and colorful members of this group is the Orange Mushroom Coral, which boasts a bright orange hue and an intriguing mushroom-like appearance. Despite its delicate and beautiful appearance, this coral species is surprisingly hardy and adaptable, making it a great option for both novice and experienced aquarists.

In this article, we will delve into seven surprising facts about Orange Mushroom Coral that will enhance your appreciation for this stunning species and help you care for it in your own aquarium. From its unique physiology to its ecological importance, we will explore the many fascinating facets of this beautiful coral. So, whether you are a seasoned aquarium enthusiast or a curious beginner, read on to discover the wonders of Orange Mushroom Coral.

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Orange Mushroom Coral
Orange Mushroom Coral


Corallimorpharians, including the Orange Mushroom Coral, share many physical and ecological characteristics with stony corals. They are sessile organisms, meaning that they attach themselves to a substrate and do not move around. They have a central mouth surrounded by tentacles, which they use to catch small planktonic organisms for food.

One of the key differences between corallimorpharians and stony corals is the absence of a stony skeleton. Instead, corallimorpharians have a fleshy body that can be quite pliable and flexible. This lack of a hard, protective skeleton makes corallimorpharians more vulnerable to predation and other threats.

Despite this vulnerability, corallimorpharians are able to thrive in a wide range of marine habitats, from shallow, warm waters to deeper, cooler environments. They are often found in large groups or carpets and are able to reproduce both sexually and asexually.

In addition to their ecological importance, corallimorpharians are also popular among marine aquarium enthusiasts for their unique and vibrant colors and shapes. The Orange Mushroom Coral, in particular, is a stunning addition to any aquarium, with its bright orange hue and distinctive mushroom-like appearance.

However, it is important for aquarium owners to provide appropriate care for their corallimorpharians, as they can be sensitive to changes in water quality and temperature. With proper care and attention, though, the Orange Mushroom Coral can be a beautiful and fascinating addition to any aquarium, bringing a touch of the natural world into your home.


If you’re looking for a coral that falls under the “moderate” care level, you’ll need to be aware of your tank’s calcium and alkalinity levels. The orange mushroom coral is generally resistant to mild swings, but it’s important to make sure your tank is staying somewhat stable. Keep an eye on your water parameters, and make adjustments as necessary to ensure the coral stays healthy.

While the orange mushroom coral isn’t as hardy as the bulletproof or easy care level corals, it can still be a stunning addition to your aquarium with the right care. If you’re up for a bit more of a challenge, this coral might be the perfect fit. Just be sure to monitor your tank closely and make any necessary adjustments to keep the coral thriving.

It’s important to note that while the orange mushroom coral is a bit more sensitive than other corals, it won’t take over your tank. So if you’re looking for a stunning addition to your aquarium that won’t outgrow its space, the orange mushroom coral might be the perfect choice for you.

Water Requirements

Maintaining proper water conditions is essential for the health and growth of Orange Mushroom Coral. The ideal water temperature range for this coral is 75-80° F, with a specific gravity (sg) of 1.024-1.026 (1.025 being ideal). The pH level should be between 8.1-8.4, with calcium (Ca) levels at 420-440 ppm, alkalinity (Alk) at 8-9.5 dKH, and magnesium (Mg) at 1260-1350 ppm. It is crucial to keep nitrate levels below 10 ppm and phosphates below .10 ppm to prevent algae outbreaks. Water changes should be done when nitrate levels reach 10 ppm, and phosphate media should be replaced when levels rise to .10 ppm.

To promote growth, adding iodine to the water can be beneficial, and most good salt mixes provide enough iodine through regular water changes. Gradually increasing magnesium levels up to 1400-1600 ppm can help combat algae outbreaks, but it is important to ensure that calcium and alkalinity levels remain in line as magnesium is raised. Using a media reactor to fluidize phosphate media can make it more efficient.

Maintaining a stable and healthy water environment is key to ensuring the longevity of the Orange Mushroom Coral in your aquarium. Regular monitoring and adjustments to water conditions will help keep this stunning addition to your tank healthy and thriving.



Feeding your orange mushroom coral is not a necessity, but it can greatly improve its growth and appearance. Even though the zooxanthellae, or symbiotic algae they host, can meet some of their nutritional needs through photosynthesis, they also benefit from additional feedings of phytoplankton, zooplankton, or marine snow.

These corals have relatively small mouths, so it is important to feed them appropriately. Larger food particles can be difficult for them to digest and can even cause harm. To ensure the best results, we recommend feeding no large, but only when the coral has matured into an adult.

If you’re looking for a more convenient and comprehensive feeding option, we suggest using Reef Nutrition’s broadcast feed. With good lighting and a regular feeding schedule, your orange mushroom coral will thrive in your aquarium. Just be sure to provide appropriate feeding and care to keep it healthy and happy.

Lighting Requirements

When it comes to lighting requirements, it’s important to remember that corals need a balance of light and darkness. Mushroom corals, like the orange mushroom coral, are grown in natural sunlight and have been acclimated to Radion lighting. These corals can handle extreme and sudden adjustments, but it’s still important to find the right placement for your specific tank lighting. Based on the Radion G5 XR Pros, a good range for placement would be around 60-70% intensity and 12-14 hours of light per day.

It’s important to keep an eye on the coral’s reaction to the lighting – if it appears pale or hasn’t fully extended after a week or so, it may be receiving too much light. On the other hand, if you have a light meant for corals, it’s unlikely that the coral isn’t receiving enough light. Remember, these corals have been grown in a greenhouse and have dealt with a week of cloudy or snowy weather before, so they can handle some fluctuations in lighting. Finding the right balance of light and darkness is key to keeping your orange mushroom coral healthy and thriving.

Flow Requirements

When it comes to the flow requirements for the Orange Mushroom Coral, it’s important to find the right balance. While this coral can tolerate a range of flow levels, providing too much or too little can be detrimental to its health.

For low flow, it’s important to note that this doesn’t mean any flow at all. The coral still needs some water movement to help it capture food and exchange gases, but too much flow can cause it to detach from its rock. For moderate flow, the coral will do best with a gentle sway, similar to the motion of waving hands at a concert or football game. This allows the coral to capture food particles and remove waste effectively.

For high flow, the Orange Mushroom Coral can handle a lot more water movement. It can even tolerate a strong and direct flow, as long as it is not in one spot for too long. However, it’s important to be careful with the placement of powerheads to avoid blowing off the coral’s skin.

Overall, finding the right flow for this coral can take some experimentation, but starting with a moderate flow and adjusting from there can be a good approach. Keep in mind that the Orange Mushroom Coral is relatively adaptable and can tolerate a range of conditions, as long as its basic needs are met.


When it comes to putting Orange Mushroom Corals in your aquarium, it’s best to mount them with IC gel glue or putty in the lower half of the tank, where they can form and grow their colonies over the rock. If you don’t want them to grow on your main rock structure, you may make a mushroom island by mounting several species of mushrooms to a larger rock and setting it as an island in your sand bed.

It’s crucial to remember that all mushrooms are semi-aggressive and need enough room to exist from other corals. You can put your corals wherever in the aquarium as long as they get enough water flow and light, and you allow enough space around them so that they have room to grow without obstructing the lighting or growing area of other corals. You must make sure that the corals you place have adequate room to spread out and not compete with one another for supplies. Orange Mushroom Corals can be a wonderful addition to your aquarium if they are placed correctly.


“Overall, the Orange Mushroom Coral is a stunning addition to any aquarium with its vibrant coloration and unique appearance. With proper care and attention to water chemistry, lighting, and placement, this coral can thrive and provide a beautiful focal point in your tank.”

Dr. Chandrika Choudhary


In conclusion, Orange Mushroom Coral is a fascinating addition to any saltwater aquarium, with its vibrant coloration and easy care requirements making it a popular choice among hobbyists. These corals are photosynthetic, meaning they rely on light for energy, and they also require moderate water flow to thrive. The ideal water parameters for Orange Mushroom Coral include a temperature range of 75-80°F, salinity levels between 1.024-1.026, a pH range of 8.1-8.4, and calcium levels between 420-440 ppm. Alkalinity should be maintained between 8-9.5 dKH, and magnesium levels between 1260-1350 ppm.

Orange Mushroom Coral can be mounted using IC gel glue or putty, and it is recommended to place them in the bottom half of the aquarium where they can reproduce and expand their colonies over the rock. These corals are semi-aggressive and require adequate space between themselves and other corals. Placement can be anywhere in the aquarium as long as it receives adequate water flow and lighting levels and leaves enough room around your corals that they have room for growth without infringing on other corals’ growing space or lighting.

Overall, Orange Mushroom Coral is a stunning and easy-to-care-for coral that can add a pop of color to any aquarium. With the right conditions and proper placement, these corals can thrive and provide a beautiful addition to your aquatic environment.

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Dr. Chandrika

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I am a veterinary doctor who is passionate about providing top-quality care for pets and their families. My mission is to share my knowledge and expertise with pet owners through my blog, petearnest.com.

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